Link to 2024 MAACCE Board Election
Candidate Bios
Our By-laws and Constitution require that we make you all aware of our current positions and the candidates running for those positions before the conference, which is when we will vote for or approve the candidate. This set of candidates happen to be running unopposed, in which case, membership still has to approve their selection. This will happen during our membership meeting during lunch on Wednesday.
We realize that this candidate is running unopposed and the need to vote may seem irrelevant. However, to stay in compliance with the MAACCE Constitution and by-laws, a vote by MAACCE members is required. Thank you for taking the time to do this!

Candidate for President Elect – Lindsay Woods
Lindsay Woods is the Student Support Coordinator for St. Charles Community College AEL and has been an adult educator for 19 years. She has been a MAACCE member since 2008 and currently serves as an AEL Teachers Category Co-Chair. Lindsay earned her GED in 1999 and loves adult education because it supports judgement-free learning environments and second chances! She wants to serve in a leadership position in order to support MAACCE’s mission of “enhancing the growth and development of professionals” in the fields of adult, continuing, and community education.

Candidate for Secretary – Julie Johns
Julie Johns is the Director of the Adult Education and Literacy program at Jefferson College. Before becoming the Director in July 2018, Julie held a few different positions at Jefferson College. She started in August 2008 as a part-time temporary Learning Center instructor where she taught the developmental education classes of Basic Math, Basic Writing, College Reading, Geometry, and Spelling & Vocabulary. Julie was promoted to the position of Lead Learning Center instructor in 2010 where she was able to help hundreds of college students in need of developmental education .
In October of 2017, Julie made the move to Lead Instructor for Jefferson College’s AEL program. Prior to joining Jefferson College, Julie was an elementary school teacher. She has taught the 3rd and 5th grades, Alternative Education for 7th and 8th grades and even did a year as a primary school librarian. Of all the levels of education Julie has taught, AEL is the most satisfying to her. She states, “I feel like I can truly make a difference in AEL students’ lives”. Previous to her work as an elementary school teacher, Julie worked for the State of Missouri in Income Maintenance, Youth Services and mental health.
MAACCE is important to Julie because she feels it is an association that focuses on giving educators much needed support, so they in turn can serve their students. Julie has served on the MAACCE Planning Committee for 2 years, as the Eastern Region’s Missouri Adult Education and Literacy Administrators Association (MAELAA) Representative, and under her direction, her program received the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education AEL High Quality Award for exceptional student outcomes and program operations. Julie is a participant of the Adult Learner Network and is a member of the Jefferson College Adult Learner Taskforce. Most recently she has just been elected to the position of president-elect for the Certified Professional Staff at Jefferson College.
Julie is proud of the work she does and is passionate about helping others change their lives

Candidate for Treasurer – Shannon Hinson
Shannon Hinson is the Director of Adult Education and Literacy for Moberly Area Community College
and has been in the adult education and literacy field for 21 years. Shannon has been a member of MAACCE since 2012 and was MAACCE President-Elect in 2016, President in 2017, Past-President in 2018, and has served as Treasurer since 2019. She has been well vetted in the finance arena and works all year to protect and expand our organizational/non-profit funds in accordance with the requirements of that sector. She also works closely with the bank that holds these funds.